Will individuals be able to grow and consume their own recreational marijuana?
Will commercial growth and sale be restricted to the companies already operating under the state’s medical program OR will recreational laws attract, or even require, more companies to supply the region?
Some are concerned that the companies that already possess licenses to grow and sell cannabis for medical purposes will prevent small businesses from entering the space.
What will the tax rate be? New York is communicating with New Jersey and Massachusetts to establish a tax rate that deters travel across state lines to purchase cheaper cannabis. Will previous cannabis-related injustices be made right by the state? Solutions could include expunging previous cannabis-related convictions and arrests, investing the tax revenue in minority communities, and giving special treatment to minority businesses that wish to enter the cannabis economy.
Other players are likely to benefit from the cannabis economy indirectly. Hydroponics stores and head shops are likely to see their sales increase if recreational cannabis and personal cultivation are allowed by the state.