
Credible Cannabis Coverage


Cannabis Business Insurance

Chances are when you think of the Cannabis industry your first thought is not insurance. Although insurance is not as sexy as that frosty nugget you can hold in your hand or as interesting as the ins and outs of growing, it does play a crucial role in the cannabis industry. We all know that Cannabis...

Medical Cannabis Companies to Cough up $20M Fee

Cannabis was legalized in New York State more than two and half years ago and only 13 licensed dispensaries have opened since.  So far, the rising demand for cannabis has been partially filled by more than 1400 illicit cannabis stores that have opened across the state, more on this on page 21....

The Blunt Reality of Trademark Registration for Cannabis Marks

With the list of states that have legalized adult-use cannabis continuing to grow, businesses are entering the industry at a rapid pace. However, one of the biggest questions facing these businesses is how to develop and protect their brands within the bounds of conflicting state and federal law.&nb...

10 Great TV Shows for Cannabis Lovers

Not too many people know this, but stoners created the whole concept of “binge-watching.” It’s true! Who would sit down and watch 15 hours of television in one go? Well, when you’ve just smoked five blunts to the face, you try getting the remote and switching to something el...

Can Cannabis Be Used in Place Of Opioids?

Catch up on the latest scientific news about cannabis research as it relates to our region. Researchers Debate NY Medical Marijuana Laws in Journal of the American Medical Association. In February of 2019, researchers from Stanford and Boston University School of Public Health published an article...

Higher Education: Colleges and Universities Move to Embrace Cannabis

Years ago, the idea of cannabis-centric degree programs would seem unimaginable. Now, colleges all across the state are designing programs tailored to the needs of the cannabis industry, and rightly so. Estimates show that the New York market could create 30,000-60,000 jobs in the coming years. Role...

10 Great Movies for Cannabis Lovers

So, you just finished smoking. Your apartment looks like a sauna. Now what? Stare at the ceiling and think of the infinite complexities of the universe? Pfftt… ya right Stephen Hawking. You put on a movie. But what movie? Everyone knows the Netflix algorithm can’t be trusted (I don&rsqu...

Seneca Nation May Seek to Ban Outside Drug Dealers

What it means for the cannabis industry. The Seneca Nation of Indians is considering a new law that would make it easier to ban non-Native people who enter their territory to sell drugs and endanger public safety. The proposed, "Exclusion Law," could impact legal cannabis dispensaries located on Na...

Crystal Peoples-Stokes: Q&A About Cannabis Reform

We recently had the opportunity to discuss the future of cannabis in our region with New York State Assembly Majority Leader and Sponsor of the Marijuana Taxation and Regulation Act (MRTA), Crystal Peoples-Stokes. Q:  What do you see on the horizon for the cannabis industry in Western New York...
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